A successor corporation is a new business that arises out of a prior existing one. It is important to keep in mind that taking over another business can leave the new business open to liabilities. It may be in your best interests to work with a business lawyer if you wish to create a successor corporation.
4 Important Reasons to Start Your Exit Plan Today
Approximately 75% of business owners are expected to transition out of their businesses in the next 10 years. Eighty to ninety percent of business owners have most of their wealth tied up in their businesses. Even with a large amount of their wealth concentrated in a single place, 83% of business owners have no written transition plan and 49% of business owners have done no exit planning. With all the businesses for sale in the United States, only about 20% result in a successful sale.
Selling Your Business To A Key Employee
Choosing the Best Buyer for Your Business
Entrepreneurship is a wonderful thing; however, at some point, entrepreneurs may decide to sell their businesses for a number of reasons ranging from an impending retirement to partner dispute to new entrepreneurial pursuits. Establishing the seller’s desire for a sale makes for a better sale strategy and allows the seller to find the right buyer.