The Estate Planning Essentials for Your Young Adult

Monumental occasions such as your child turning 18, or graduating from high school, bring on a range of emotions from nostalgia to excitement as to what comes next for your young adult. These times are also a reminder that your child is not only changing in your eyes, but also in the eyes of the law. As your child reaches adulthood, they gain a level of autonomy from their parents that they previously didn’t have. While this is a natural step in any young adult’s life, it can bring on some unexpected, and depending on how this arises, traumatizing situations for parents and their children if they aren’t properly prepared in advance.

One potential issue is that when your child reaches the age of 18, you no longer have automatic access to their medical information. Therefore, if they experience a medical emergency, the doctor cannot discuss their medical condition with you without first getting express written permission from your child, which may not be possible given the circumstances. It is, therefore, critical to prepare the appropriate legal documents in advance so that such conversations can occur as soon as they are needed.

At Seck & Associates our estate planning attorney, Bryant Parker, is happy to assist you with situations involving your young adult children like the one above. He can explain to you what documents are necessary, when the need would arise for these documents, as well as prepare them on behalf of your family. All these documents are included in the Seck & Associates Young Adult Estate Planning Package. Please contact Bryant today at (913) 815-8485 or for more information.